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Forgot Password

Anyhow if the partner forgets the Password of their registered profile, they can Reset it with the following steps.

  • First, click on the Forgot Password button.
  • Then the screen will show the following box where you must add your Registered Email ID and click the Send Password button.
  • Now you will receive the Email on your registered email id with a password.
  • You can use the generated password to Log-in into the app.
  • After logging in, you can change the Password accordingly.
  • To change the password, you have to set it via the Partner Panel; click on Clients -> Edit Company -> Password.
Edit Password
  • Add the new password you want to set in the Password box.
  • Press on the Update button to save the changed password.
  • Now you can log in to the app by using your New Password.
  • You must Go Online to receive the trip requests as you have a login.
  • See the video to explore the exact steps of forgetting a password.