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Booking Tool

The Booking Tool creates trips from various sources, like third-party websites.

A partner can set up a booking tool per their requirements with the help of the Partner Panel.


A partner can set up the booking tool theme and other mandatory details in Settings.

Click the Booking Tool and click on the Setting tab in the sidebar.

  • Theme Primary Color: To set the primary color of the booking tool theme.
  • Primary Text Color: To set the primary text color of the booking tool.
  • Theme Secondary Color: Set the secondary color of the booking tool theme.
  • Secondary Text Color: To set the secondary text color of the booking tool.
  • Frame Height (pixels): Booking tool frame height in pixels. (vertical)
  • Map Key: Assing the map key to operate the address fields in the booking tool.
  • Stripe Secret Key: Stripe secret payment gateway key for iDeal transactions.
  • Stripe Publishable Key: Stripe publisher key for iDeal transactions.
  • Redirect URL: URL to Redirect the booking tool.
  • Website URL: URL of the website you need to place the tool.
  • Email (To send an email): Email ID to send an email regarding the tool.
  • Password (To send an email): Set a password for the booking tool to send an email.
  • Host (To send an email): Place the host to send the email.
  • Port (To send an email): Enter the port number to send an email.
  • Payment Method: Select the payment methods you want to allow for the booking tool trips.
  • Auth Token: Authentication token for the booking tool.
  • JWT Token: JWT token to operate the booking tool.
  • Iframe Link: Iframe link to place the booking tool on the website.
  • Iframe Link Small: Iframe links are small to operate the booking tool on the website.

Below the fields is a Vehicles List allowed to reserve from the booking tool.

  • Vehicle Details include,
    • Name: Name of the vehicle
    • Business: Is the vehicle open for business or not
    • Description: Vehicle description
    • Sequence No.: Sequence number to show in the booking tool
  • You can edit the details by clicking the Edit Button in the top right corner of each vehicle’s details.
Edit Vehicle
  • You can add or edit the Name, Description and upload the vehicle’s Image.
  • Update the booking tool settings whenever you want, and click on the Update button to save the details.