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All Transaction Invoices

All the transaction or queue area trip invoices are listed here in the All Transaction Invoice tab.

Click on the Earnings and Invoices -> All Transaction Invoices to check it.

  • There is a list with all the transaction invoice details as mentioned below,
    • Start Date: Starting date of the driver to enter the queue
    • End Date: Ending date of the driver to exit the queue
    • Company: Name of the driver’s company
    • Invoice Number: Unique invoice number of the trip
    • Amount: Total amount of the transaction log
    • Action: The Download button is used to download the detail, Send Email button is used to send an invoice email, and Paid indicates the transaction is paid; if not, then it shows Not Paid.
  • Above that, there are four fields to indicate the Total Count of the transactions, Transaction Earnings of all the transactions, Transaction Vat of all transactions, and Total amount of the transactions.
  • In the top right corner are two buttons: the Export button to download the data and the Send Email button to send an invoice email with all the transaction data.