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Trip Earnings

All the earnings from your trips or your partner’s profit trips will display in Trip Earnings.

To see all your trip earnings click on Earnings and Invoices -> Trip Earnings.

  • All the Trip Earning Details are mentioned here with the exact amount.
  • Trip Details are listed with the fields including, 
    1. Trip ID: Generated unique ID for the trip
    2. Pick-Up Time: Pick-up time and date of the trip
    3. Invoice Number: Invoice number of the trip
    4. Payment: Payment method for the trip
    5. Waiting Price: Waiting fee if a driver needs to wait in between the trip
    6. Price: Price for the trip
    7. VAT 9%: VAT percentage added to the trip price
    8. Total: Total price of the trip
    9. Partner Earning: Total amount earned by the partner from the trip
    10. Payout: Amount partner needs to send to the respected provider
  • On top of that, there are two Filters to get some specific trip-earning details.
  • Select the Start Date and End Date and then select the Payment Method to see precise details.
  • The Export button on the top right corner is used to Download all the trip earning details.