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Articles in this section

The market is where any partner can see and accept the mentioned trips.

  • All the trips labeled as Market at the creation time are listed here.
  • You can see the details as follow,
    1. Pick-Up Time: It shows the pick-up time of the trip.
    2. Trip ID: It’s used for trip reference.
    3. Vehicle: Vehicle requirement for the trip.
    4. It was created By: Name of the company who created the trip.
    5. Pickup Address: Address of the pickup point
    6. Destination Address: Address of the destination point.
    7. Status: Status type of the trip.
    8. Driver Price: Fee of the trip the driver will get.
    9. Payment: Payment method of the trip.
    10. Detail: All the essential details of the trip.

How To Accept The Trip?

To accept a trip from the market, you need to check all the trip details. If it matches your credentials, you can accept the trip with just one click.

  • Click on the Detail button to see all the essential details of the trip.
Accept Market Trip
  • You can see the trip details are as follow,
    1. Trip ID: Trip ID for reference
    2. Pick-Up Date: Date of the picking up of the customer
    3. Create Date: Trip creation date
    4. By Company: Name of the creator company
    5. Completed By: Name of the company that completes
    6. Market trip?: It’s a market trip or not
    7. Flight No.: Number of the flight if the trip belongs to any airport
    8. User Name: Customer name
    9. User Phone No.: Customer phone number
    10. User Email: Customer email ID
    11. Pickup Address: The pickup address of the trip
    12. Destination Address: The destination address of the trip
    13. Status: Status of the trip type
    14. Total: Total amount of the trip fee
    15. Driver Fee: The driver fee for the trip
    16. Payment Method: Payment method of the trip
    17. Note: Special instruction or any notes will be mentioned here
    18. Passengers: Number of passengers traveling
    19. Bags: Number of bags along with the passengers
    20. Vehicle Type: The type of vehicle required for the trip
    21. Unique ID: Unique ID for the trip
    22. Distance: Total distance of the trip in kilometers
  • After verifying all the trip details, you can click on Accept Trip button to accept the trip.
  • Then the trip will be displayed in the section of my trips, there you can see all the other details and make the trip happen.