Qatch Support Center

Here you will find our product Documentation and Standard Operating Procedures.

Articles in this section

Product Requests

The products you have created are visible to all companies and drivers using the Qatch platform.

Drivers can purchase any product to access the queue and get a trip. So, for that, he will request you to purchase.

All the Product Requests will display here, along with their status. So you can take action as required.

  • There are four types of statuses for product requests, as mentioned below,
  • All the status lists have the details like Product name, Partner name, Company name, No. Of Vehicles, Product Earnings (product price + vehicle price), VAT product (VAT for the product), Total (total amount of money they need to pay), Contract, Invoice, Send Invoice Email, Send Invoice Email airport.

1. Pending

  • If you select Pending in status, it shows all the pending product requests from various partners.
  • Besides, there are four buttons; Green Right to Accept the request, Red Cross to Delete the request, Purple Car to show the Vehicle Document, and Purple Document to show the Driver’s Document.

2. Responded

  • All Responded Product Requests are listed here.
  • There is a Delete button to remove any request.
  • You can see the Vehicle’s and Driver’s Documents with to click on their respective buttons.

3. Completed

  • In Completed, there is a list of partners who complete the process to purchase the product.
  • On the right side, there are three buttons to see the Document of the Vehicle and Driver, and the third one indicates whether that partner Paid for the product or not.

4. Deleted

  • All the Deleted requests for the products are shown here.
  • There are two buttons on the right side of the line to see the Driver and Vehicle Documents.

On the top right corner, there is an Export button to download all the listed data.