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Sub Partner

A partner can add Sub Partner with access to some specific features.

Access the Sub Partner from the sidebar.

  • You can manage or add multiple sub-partners through the panel.
  • Sub Partner list will display the following values,
    • ID: Unique ID of the sub partner
    • Name: Sub-partner’s name
    • Email: Email ID of the sub partner
    • Phone No.: Phone number of the sub partner
    • City: City of the sub partner
  • You can add a sub-partner by clicking the Add Sub Partner button on the top right corner of the page.
  • A dialogue box will appear with the following fields,
    • First Name: First name of the sub partner
    • Last Name: Last name of the sub partner
    • Email: Official email id of the sub-partner to login to the panel
    • Password: Password for sub-partner to login into the panel
    • Phone No.: Phone number of the sub-partner
    • Tabs: Select the access you want to give to the sub-partner from the dropdown
Add sub partner
  • Press the Create button to add the sub-partner’s details.
  • A list will show all the sub-partners that belong to you, or you have created.
  • You can click on the Action button to edit the sub-partner details.
  • At the top of the page are three Filters to find the exact data you are looking for from the sub-partner list.